
Szkoła podstawowa nr 129 w Krakowie im. Kornela Makuszyńskiego

Prace Zofii Hryniewicz 6b

 HOBBIES  -  Zofia Hryniewicz, class 6B

The school year is going to end soon… Was it the time of hard work…? Certainly it was. But it was also the period of reading, drawing and doing sports. I would like you to look at my student’s drawings and  summaries.

 Zofia Hryniewicz,  class 6B, is surely  keen on English! Not only that – she is also fascinated with horses and drawing. Could such a girl be ever bored – no way!

Wishing all of you happy holidays, hoping you will find a good book to read – your English teacher – Krystyna Gutowska



Mapleshade’s Vengeance - Summary

Mapleshade is a ThunderClan warrior. She has kits with RiverClan warrior, which isforbidden. Mapleshade lets her clan believe, that their father is her clanmate, who drowned. However, Ravenwing sees them swimming in the river and figures out that they are half RiverClan and tells the ThunderClan leader. He banishes Mapleshade and her kits from ThunderClan. She tries to cross the river to get to RiverClan and ask for shelter, but it is stormy and flooded, and her kits drown in the torrent. RiverClan rejects Mapleshade, and she goes mad with grief.As she leaves she promises revenge. At night she has a nightmare in which she sees her drowning kits calling to help them. In the morning Mapleshade decides to avenge them. First, she kills Ravenwing by ambushing him. Next day, Nettlepaw, young apprentice of ThunderClan, who is on her side, tells her that her friend,Frecklewish, saw everything. Mapleshade kills her, by tricking her into being bitten by a snake. Finally, she murders Appledusk, but gets fatally wounded by his apprentice. Escaping she shouts, that it's not over. She runs into the barn she found earlier. Then she hears voice of a stranger. He introduces himself as Myler and wants to help her, but she hisses at him and says, that nothing can help her anymore.She dies moments after that.


Goosefeather’s Curse - Summary

Goosekit is a kit of ThunderClan.When one of the apprentices disappears and other cats go frantic, he asks the black and white cat where she is. He directs his question to a brown tom with stripes, and he replies that he last saw Swiftpaw at Sunningrocks. Goosekit tells the Clan where she is, but they don't believe him, stating that he's never been to Sunningrocks before. Later, she is found in the forest near Sunningrocks. Goosekit explains that a dark brown cat told him, but there isn’t such a cat in ThunderClan. Cloudberry,medicine cat of ThunderClan, asks Goosekit to describe exactly who he saw. Others consider this to be mere coincidence, but she is very interested. Cloudberry prompts Goosekit to tell her if he knew all the names of the cats in the Clan. Goosekit doesn't, but he describes more cats he hasn't seen e.g. a cat besides the elder named Nettlebreeze, he hadn't known. When Cloudberry asks Nettlebreeze about that cat, he replies, that it’s his mother.She tells him, that she is watching over him from above. Goosekit is very confused and he wonders how Nettlebreeze can't see her, because she's beside him almost all the time. Cloudberry tells Goosekit that he can see dead cats, and that it is a gift. She orders him not to tell any other cat, and says that he should be her apprentice. Goosekit wants to be a warrior, not a medicine cat, but it happens anyway, and he gets his apprentice name, Goosepaw. At night, he has dreams, in which he is inundated with prophecies and visions of future.Goosepaw has bad relationship with Cloudberry, so he trains with his other mentor, Pearnose. Pearnose is a ghost, therefore other cats think, that Goosepaw is insane, because he talks to himself. One of the apprentices tricks him into being attacked by a badger, but other cats defend him. Right after that, he tells them, that someone tried to kill him, but when they don’t believe him he gets furious and runs to the forest, where he sees a tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat. She introduces herself as Mapleshade and asks Goosepaw if she'd been forgotten already. He replies that Nettlebreeze is not going to let anyone forgot about her. She teaches Goosepaw a few battle moves, insisting he needs to fend for himself. Later, he confronts her, confused why she helped him.She explains she seeks vengeance on ThunderClan, and that he is already doomed. After he saves a ThunderClan patrol by notifying ThunderClanleader named Doestar of his visions that show him, that they are going to be attacked by kittypets, he receives his medicine cat name, Goosefeather, after only a couple months of training. A few months later the harsh winter is coming. When Goosefeather sees a vision of the Great Hunger, he tries to help his Clan by suggesting they catch extra prey and bury it in the ground to maintain it. However, rainy days spoil the prey, and Clan goes hungry anyway. Doestar, Nettlebreeze, and other four cats die. Cats blame Goosefeather for everything that happened, andhe realizes that although he can see the future, he can do nothing to change it.


Cloudstar’s Journey - Summary

Cloudstar is the leader of SkyClan.The Clan is happy and well-fed, and he is proud to lead it. One day, Cloudstar begins to notice that the prey is running low. At night he is awakened by his medicine cat, who tells him of the bad omens she has seen - she believes it is a sign that their prey will diminish even more than it already has. Cloudstar tells her that everything will be fine. However, not long after that, people begin to cut trees. Soon, the prey disappears, and the cats are surrounded. Cloudstar tries to take back a strip of land given to ThunderClan long ago, but SkyClan is defeated. He then asks the other leaders to give his Clan some of their territory at a Gathering. The other leaders instead helping, exile SkyClan from the forest, and Cloudstar is forced to leave behind his mate, and his very young kits. Other leaders call out a blessing to him, but Cloudstar coldly retorts that their warrior ancestors have betrayed them and vows that SkyClan will never look to the stars ever again. With that, they leave the forest.


1 lekcja - 8:00 - 8:45

2 lekcja - 8:55 - 9:40

3 lekcja - 9:50 - 10:35

4 lekcja - 10:45 - 11:30

5 lekcja - 11:45 - 12:30

6 lekcja - 12:45 - 13:30

7 lekcja - 13:35 - 14:20

8 lekcja - 14:30 - 15:15

9 lekcja - 15:25 - 16:10

10 lekcja - 16:15 - 17:00
Kalendarz szkolny